Tuesday 16 July 2013

Omis and Split

The Cetina River cruise from Omis was very nice. After a short tour of the town, we boarded two small boats headed out of town up the river through the gorge. The scenery was a bit harsh at first then with grasslands and bush near the shore line. It is a freshwater river that feeds into the ocean. It took about half an hour to make it to our destination, which included a picnic ground and a restaurant and a small beach about a five minute walk away from where we were dropped off by the boats.

There was a snack waiting for us including local cheeses, olives and prosciutto and some local red wine. It was only 11am but it went down pretty well. We saw bread making and cooking of various meats on the indoor bar b que.

Afterwards Ves and I went for a walk and found the small beach. I had a swim with one of the other fellows on the boat John, who also joined me for an early morning swim before we left Pusesca that morning. We were the only ones to brave the cold water but it was very refreshing.

Back to Omis town and bit of shopping and then a quick swim in the clean harbour waters before it was back on the Pearl for our next stop Split, the second largest city in Croatia.

We arrived in Split after lunch and went on a tour of the Diocletian Palace built in 314AD. The local guide was a bit dry but it was interesting and we heard a lot about the history of the town and development that has occurred over the years. Its an amazing mix of some of the oldest original parts of the palace and its perimeter wall and the add ons that have occurred, which makes it a bit of a hotch potch of new and old.

Some interesting shops and bizarre or market, where I bought a pair of shorts and Ves bought a couple of things at her favourite shop Zara.

Dinner on board and early night, and up early the next morning to visit the fish and produce markets before setting sail for the next town on the agenda, the town of Hvar on the Island of Hvar. We spotted the captain buying some fresh fish and produce for dinner.

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