Tuesday 2 July 2013

Church on Sunday

before I begin I need to post a few more photos. Oh and the weather well it was only 14 and light rain on Friday when we arrived, a bit like what we left back in Sydney, but the last few days have been pretty good and mostly sunny and like Spring.

The dining room.

Yes I bought a Beret. I forgot my hat and it seemed practical. Can you find Kelly and Muzz?

Ves thought the Police looked very handsome in their Jeanne Paul Gautier designed riot gear. 

Jess and Dylan soaking up Paris life and getting along just fine.

Hi its Ves, thought I should have a turn,

I had a deep sleep on Saturday night but kept waking to clear my throat. Bad sore throat for a couple of days and as I write this my voice has almost gone. Very croaky.

We took the Metro to Montmatre and walked through the village to The Basilique du Sacre Coeur, Catholic Church. The crowds weren't too bad and the sun was out and it felt like Spring in Sydney.

Paris just feels like one big festival. Very easy getting around. Dylan loves the Metro and can't believe how fast and efficient it is.

We all took the steps up the steep climb rather than waste a metro ticket on the 500m almost vertical assent on the train (9 vernicular rail). It took my breath away. Dylan ran most of the way and Warren not far behind him.

Great view of Paris from the hilltop but couldn't see the Eiffel Tower.

The Basilica was beautiful. Warren got into trouble for taking photos.

After we went for a wander around and bought some souvenirs and found a nice bistro in the village where we had lunch.

Jessica and Dylan were getting a bit bored so they left us and headed back to central Paris. Warren and I took or time and a had look at the flea markets and then took the metro back to Hotel D'ville for a bit of shopping.

Warren and I split up so we could shop separately. I ended up buying 4 tops at Zara on sale. Very happy.  Warren bought a pair of addidas runners/walkers also on sale.

When we got home Jess and Dylan were already back, they had no trouble changing on the Metro and went to the Auld Alliance Scottish Pub for drinks.

We had nibbles and drinks and Dylan fell asleep. We went out for dinner around 8pm.

Tried the flafel shop but it was crazy, 20 minutes for take away or 40 minutes for inside table. Jess and Dylan tried it for lunch and it was the same.

We went back to the nearby Square where we ate on the first night and and had dinner at the Bistro de la Place. All the restaurants were full and so we waited a few minutes and they found us a table.

I was worried that it would be a long wait to be served as the place was full and with only only three staff serving. However we had our water replaced regularly and dinner served quickly and the waiter even took our photo.We were most impressed. I had my 3rd French onion soup since our arrival. Always fabulouse.

We also called and booked the Paris Charms and Secrets motorised bike tour for Tuesday at 930am.

11.30pm and we are all off to bed. Early start tommorrow. We are off to the Louvre Museum and want a head start on the crowds.

We are all loving the long days here as it doesn't get dark until 10pm. Here's hoping I have some voice left tomorrow.

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