Saturday 6 July 2013

Last Day in Paris

Our last full day in Paris, The Kids had a sleep in and we did a little work on the blog and reviewing photos, Ves updated her journal and also did some clothes washing for us.

My usual type of daily breakfast

I went off to find Jim Morrison's grave at the Pere Lachaise Cemetery. It was about a 20 minute walk from the apartment. The cemetery is huge but with reference to the map and a bit of luck I was able to find it. Its a bit tucked away and still fenced off with 2 security guards nearby.  

After that I found the metro and headed to the Les Halles are for a bit of shopping and to catch up with Ves somewhere. Ves went out shopping for a few gifts and last minute sight seeing. We ended up meeting back at the apartment and had some lunch together and Ves had a nap as she is till trying to shake this flu, that has been slowing her down a bit.

Jess and Dylan went off to have lunch together and do their own thing and Maybe see the movie World War Z at one of the theatres on the Champs Elysees.

The Patisserie opposite.

The entry to our apartment building. Waiting to go to the airport Friday.

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