Wednesday 24 July 2013

In Zagreb

We made it to Zagreb at about 4pm. We got to the hotel and Ves and Dylan went straight to bed where they stayed until morning. Jess and I went out to explore the town and get our first dose of MacDonald’s on the whole trip

In the morning we got up early for our drive to the Plitvica Lakes. We picked up Antonia and drove about 2.5hrs south the Plitvica national park. We chose the 3-4 hours walk through the park as Ves and Dylan were still not up to a long trek.

It was very beautiful with waterfalls and cascades and crystal clear blue water, and abundance of fish of various sizes. Words and pictures cannot describe it.

We had a lunch at the midway point that Antonia’s mum had prepared for us.

It was a quite a hot day and we worked up a sweat on the return leg back to the starting point. We got back to the hotel at about 5pm then a quick shower and change then off to Mladen and Jadranka’s house for dinner.

It was the first time in 15 years that Mladen had left work early to be home in time to greet us and to prepare a bar b que.

They have a lovely home in the hills about 15 minutes from Zagreb centre with views of the Smljet mountain. They have a small veggie patch and grape vines front and back and Mladen has a man cave at the back with barb que smokehouse and storage for his tools and cooking utensils. He likes his cooking.

Dylan, Vesna, Jadranka, Iva, Antonia, and me.

We had a lovely dinner and evening with them. Too much food and Dylan and Jess went out with Antonia and Iva and Ves and I went back to the hotel, it was another late night.

Iva, Jess and Antonia

The next day Ves and I went for a quick shop for some gifts as we were due back at Mladens at 11am as he had planned for me to help him cook something.  It was a goulash type dish in large pot suspended over a gas burner and supported on a tripod. It took about 2 hours to cook and was delicious. Jadranka must have been up since dawn cooking for us, as the meal she prepared included roast duck assorted vegetables and salads and a baked pasta dish and a cheese pita. I could not eat another morsel.

After lunch we went and watched their home movies including holidays at the beach in Omis and the family celebrations and the snowfall from last winter.

We said our goodbyes to Mladen and Jadranka and went back to the hotel at about 5pm.  I had to have a nap as I was not feeling well and Jess and Ves and Dylan went on a little tour of Zagreb with Antonia and Iva. Later that night jess and Dylan went out with Antonia and Iva for a few drinks.

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