Thursday 4 July 2013

Chateau Versailles on Bikes

An early start today to meet the Bike About Tour group heading to The Chateau Versailles. We were actually early for once and as we were meeting in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral, why not take a quick visit ahead of the crowds at 8am.

Jess headed off to get coffees and Dylan came inside with Ves and I. Although we have been before it is still an amazing church and to think that it was being used as a barn at one stage and falling into ruin before some well intentioned Parisians including Victor Hugo, battled for it to be restored. We also lit some candles and prayed for all our family and friends.

Continuing on.

We met our group and the two guides Ian and Amber. He was an over the top northern Englishman abut quite funny at times, but you never knew what he was going to do next. Definite ADHD. Amber was from Netherlands. In our group there was a family from Vancouver, a family from Auckland and a family from Georgia USA. Really nice group parents and kids.

The train trip to Versailles took about 35 minutes and we picked up our bikes there. Then we headed off through the town, which was quite busy, to the local market to get some supplies for a picnic lunch later on. We bought some fruits, baguettes filled with salmi, chicken, salad and a nice bottle of red.

We road a fair way and finally got out of the traffic and onto the grounds of the Chateau. We visited Marie Antoinette's Village and Louie14th Man Cave with pink marble walls, you did in the late 17th century. I forgot to mention, it was drizzly rain this morning, and we had a bit of a downpour at the Man Cave but after that it was just cloudy and not too bad. It certainly scared off a few of the tourists.  Marie Antoinettes village was quite nice and green with a number of quaint little cottages.

From here it was back to the grand canal and our lunch stop. Yum. Ian, the guide gave Jess and Dylan some tips on some good bars to try out tonight.

Then off to the Palace to look inside and also the gardens. There were no crowds at all so we went straight in and picked up an audio tour which I found even easier to follow than the one at the Louvre. . We split up with Jess and Dylan and they went their own way.

The treasuers and artwork are just mind boggling, little wonder there was a revolution. The intricate detail in the gold and silver work of some of the treasures and the way they are so elaborately crafted just can't be described. Its just wow in every room and then the hall of mirrors, which overlooks the gardens, just spectacular.

We coud have done with some more time here to explore the gardens a bit more, but it was back on the bikes and we were all a bit tired by now anyway.

Back through the town to the train and back to Paris.

Goodbye to our guides and our cycling friends and we walked home to our apartment, stopping along the way for some supplies including a stop at the market and the rotisserie chicken place we have been eyeing off all week. Ves and Jess bought a small whole chicken and some roated garlic potatoes. We have found the food and supplies including beer and wine comparable to what we pay at home.

Jess and Dylan had a nap and then went out at about 8pm to hit the bars. I did a bit of blogging, emailing, facebooking and caught up on the news. Ves had an early night as she is trying to shake this bug, but she is getting better.

Tomorrow is do your own thing day, get lost in Paris, chill in a park in Paris, shop in Paris, whatever you want to do day. I've got a few ideas.......

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