Wednesday 3 July 2013

Musee du Louvre and the Tuileries Gardens

Was meant to be an early start and for us it was, but not by 8am as we had planned. 30 minutes late, not a good start and not feeling too good and not much voice left.

Off to St Paul our local Metro and hopped straight onto a train and about move to 5 minutes. Not at all what we had experienced on previous days. Maybe we spoke too soon. It was a bit more like Sydney trains. The train was really crowded because its peak hour and when we finally got tot he next stop we waited again and then there was an announcement in French and people started getting off. It was only a few more stops so we got off too and walked the rest of the way to the Louvre.

It was another beautiful day and there was a bit of a que but it moved quickly. Once inside the Pyramid we had to que again for tickets about 20 minutes. Warren bought the audio tour so we had the commentary on the various exhibits as we moved through.

We headed straight into the grand hall to see the Mona Lisa and we got here before the room filled up.We lost Warren in the process he got caught up with his audio tour in the Grand Hall, so we had about 30 minutes to enjoy the Mona Lisa. We decided to split up and meet up under the pyramid at 12 noon.

The architecture of the former Palace almost steals the show for me. Loved the artwork, although there was far too much to see.

As it was such a beautiful day we decided to walk to the Arc de Triomphe. In hindsight it was Warrens idea, as he didn't think it looked too far and I wanted to see some of the gardens along the way.

 The Tuileries gardens were in full splendour. Beautiful and green and in full bloom. The locals and tourists were enjoying the sunshine and relaxing around the fountains and having picnics. There is a bit of a joke going with Jess and Dylan and Warren. The other day when we were at the Luxembourg Gardens Warren said to them, "This would be a nice place for Ves and I to come and just sit and relax and soak up the sun, maybe read a book and watch the Paris go by". So from then on every time we go past a nice park they say "hey Dad this would be a nice place to bring mum and just chill out for a while ...............    "  

Anyway it was a good walk then to the Champs Elysees. So many people around which really added to the atmosphere and we had to stop and have and something to eat. Everything was tro sher, too
expensive, but found a Starbucks and sat for while and recharged. we were now ready for the climb up the Arc de Triomphe. A really good climb up the spiral stir, my legs were like jelly when we got to the top. It was a great view but I was a bit scared and wasn't able to take photos so I gave that job to Warren.

All day we had experienced beauty in architecture and design. I don't know if the French take it all for granted. Everything was so cliche, or postcard like. Having visited Paris 27 years ago in April we could see the difference and beauty of the city in summer. Paris is just spectacular and we have been lucky to see it at its best. The people are a big part of it too and so far we have not had a bad experience and have felt very welcome even though our French is not very good, I think they appreciate it if you try.

Warren and Dylan headed back to the apartment and stopped off at the falafel shop and faced a much smaller que. Jess and I hit the shops along the Champs Elysees. Jess bought something at Zara and I resisted.

Now to get ready for dinner on the Eiffel tower.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the updates. Keep them coming. You all look so happy!

    I'll be in Germany on Sunday - I won't be blogging though... will post a few snaps on facebook.
