Saturday 1 June 2013

Jess in London

Welcome to the Longs in Europe 2013 blog.

One of us is already there??!!..,,. 

Jessica set sail on EK413 on Thursday and is now in London for 4 days preparing for her Contiki Tour through Europe on the Road to Athens. 21 days of  touring then 7 days cruising the Greek isles before meeting Ves, Dylan and me in Paris on 28 June.

my stomach was doing weird things that day. Pretty anxious about my little girl leaving us for a month. But she is so confident and will have the best time, and I feel its just the start of her travels and a turning point in her life. No tears at the airport and we already miss her. Now Dylan has a car well for at least a month anyway.....whoohoo   

Notes already from Jess:

Hey family

I'm in Dubai had to look up my gate number then catch a train and I didn't even need to ask for directions soo be proud!!
Thank god I bought those sleeping pills it was the worst flight I was in the middle seat next to 2 large people so I slept 8 hours straight so happy wooo

Love you all xx

Jessica Long posted on your Timeline
"Hey dad !! I'm here in London I'm sharing a room with a girl who just finished contiki I'm out exploring but I'm so tired !! So going to have an early one tonight and then shop tomorrow !! I found a Starbucks soo woo free wifi :) I actually am surprised but am a bit homesick already probably because I'm Sooo far away and it's so hard to get in contact every time you called I was busy :( love you will hopefully speak to you tomorrow :)"

Mum the hair dryer doesn't work :( ill be frizzy and curly all through out Europe damn

 All good I'm about to head to the portobello markets in notting hill maybe call me again same time as yesterday if you want :)
  Anyway back to us.....Yes thats right, Paris --Gay Pari for Ves 50th.  More to come about the trip later.

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