Sunday 2 June 2013

Jess in London Days 2 and 3

We have spoken to Jess a couple of times and she seems to be settling into London town, shopping, eating and of course sightseeing. She has made some friends and texted yesterday that she was off on a bus tour ...not sure where.

One more day night in London then she is off on her 21 day Contiki tour on The Road to Athens.

"Hey I'm at portobello markets it's amazing !! So much amazing stuff I bought a beautiful 1930s clutch for 20 pounds and the most amazing burger I have ever had the portobello burger it will give Collin a run for his money I'm now on my way to Camden markets pretty excited for that "

The Queen wouldn't know what hit her....Ves likes her new shoes.

"BRB off to Hogwarts"

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