Saturday 3 August 2013

Positano and Ravello

We had a lovely breakfast in the hotel and joined Scott and Belinda and Sandra and Robert for the early bus down to Amalfi to catch the ferry to Positano.

All went well and we made it to the 9.20am ferry, which took about 20 minutes to get to Positano. Along the way we had the opportunity to see the coastline from a different vantage point and the we could track the road we had taken the previous day and the bridges and little churches and rocky escarpment we has seen.

It is amazing to think how they built the roads along this steep coastline and also the houses and other buildings that are dotted throughout the slopes and on the cliffs, and in remote little valleys.

Scott and Belinda on the left and Sandra and Robert on the right.

Positano from the water.

The coast between Amalfi and Positano


The shops and lane ways of Positano.

We had a lovely time in Positano, browsing the shops and I bought two linen shirts and we had coffee in one of the restaurants and I had a Limoncello, in a great little shot glass with a handle on the side.

We decided to take the ferry back to Amalfi and get the bus to Ravello, the next town along the coast and inland a bit from Amalfi. The other guys decided to stay in Positano and any way we had all split up as you do.

Heading back to Amalfi and the bus to Ravello.

Ravello is inland, up in the hills, a short bus ride along a narrow winding road, of course.

The ceramics are beautiful.

The view from Ravello looking east towards Salerno. We didn't make it to Salerno, maybe next time, as I am certain we will return to the Amalfi coast again one day.

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