Saturday 3 August 2013

Our last day in Rome and last day of the Zara European Tour

We had a funny experience when we checked in last night. We were given our room on the fifth floor and went up in the lift with our now very, very heavy bags, a bit tired after our bus ride from Pompeii. I opened the door and all we could see was one single bed, and a small adjoining bathroom. We had  booked a small double room for this last night in Rome and we were hoping for late check out but this was ridiculous. I was halfway out the door to go down to the  reception to complain and demand a double room, when Ves opened the sliding stain glass doors on the side of the room which opened to a bedroom containing a double bed and a desk and wardrobes. Drama and embarrassing moment averted. Later on I opened another mirror glass door on my side of the bedroom to reveal a small ensuite. This room was full of surprises and after we had settled in we decided to go out for a walk and maybe drink before going to bed.

Well today is our last day in Rome and we fly out at 10pm tonight.

As we have only an 11am checkout it means we may not have a shower for a couple of days, as we do not get back to Sydney until 6am on Saturday.

Ves had an idea......, why not go shopping. up for lunch and then go shopping.......she is an ideas girl. Did I mention that there are 3 Zara stores in Rome, one is about 100m from our hotel and they are about 300m apart, and of course other shops in between....yeh I thought I might have. Ves loves Zara, and the sales are on so who am I to argue if she is getting a bargain.

Ves was off like a flash after breakfast to go shopping and we had agreed to return to the hotel about 10.45am in time for our final packing and checkout. We will leave the bags in the hotel. The Hotel Regno has been great and the staff really nice, in particular Giuseppe (of course) the manager, who we have decided must never sleep because he is always on the front desk.

I had time to update the blog, in between the Wifi dropping out and difficulties trying to scroll down and through what I had typed on the iPad. There must be a way, but I can't find it and its frustrating the crap out of me.

I went to Zara with Ves and checked out the bundle of clothes she liked and she bought several things and then we went to lunch at a little restaurant near the Trevi, called Osteria "Allegro Panchino", Via dei Crociferi, 12/13, where we had lunch before with Jess and Dylan on their last day. It was just as good as last time and Ves had the roasted artichokes for a starter again and she also had the beef strips and rocket salad that Jess had been searching for. Very yummy and fitting food finale for our last meal in Rome.

The last day went pretty quickly and we were picked up at the hotel at 6.45pm for our transfer to the airport. A black Mercedes pulled up at the front of the hotel and we were pleasantly surprised when the
driver came in asked for "Mr and Mrs Longa". Not a spelling mistake that's how you pronounce Long in Italian.

So it was off to the airport in style for the long haul back to Sydney.

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